EVERYDAY VICTUAL by Pastor Michael Ishaku

VISION – #ReachOneBillion people with the Word of God daily in different languages.

Monday, 28th March, 2022

Matt 9:21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.

The connection between thought and experience is an unbreakable one. Unfortunately, unknown to many people, they are the architects of their own misfortune. If your external circumstances are positive, negative thoughts can spoil them, and if your external circumstances are negative, positive thoughts can improve them.

Your thoughts are very powerful because they fuel your passions. If you keep thinking poor thoughts, your passions will always be running on empty. But when you are always positive, your passions will have the required energy to push you into taking actions that will change your life.

You are not a failure; you are not ugly; you are not undesirable; you are not poor; you are not unintelligent; you are not untalented. Refuse to permit such thoughts in your mind. You may have bad experiences today, but that doesn’t define who you are. You are a child of the Most High God and you are created in His image.

The woman with the issue of blood made it into the annals of biblical history because of a positive outlook. Her circumstances were very negative, but she was a champion inside. You would have thought that a woman in her situation would have given up, but she was saying positive things to herself as we see in today’s Scripture.

Begin to think like a champion today no matter what is happening to you or going on around you. Things may not be working as you desire right now but keep your mind on where you are going and what you are desiring. Be a champion inside and you will soon be a champion outside. In Jesus name:

  • That losing streak is turning into a winning streak.
  • The champion in you is emerging.
  • You will soon forget the reproach you have suffered.

Prayer – Lord, help me think like a champion.

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